Property Value for Bankruptcy Vs. Property Value for Insurance Claim
"You can't have it both ways." Valuation of insured property in bankruptcy petition used against insured when that same property is later damaged By Jim DeRoche Property Value for Bankruptcy Petition In 2011, John and Kathleen Brown filed a petition seeking protection under the bankruptcy laws. The price for seeking such protection is full disclosure […]
READ MORESupreme Court Justice Pfeifer says same-sex marriage language does not belong in Ohio Constitution
For years, Ohio has been one of the few states that have legally banned gay marriage. Justice Pfeifer spoke in support of Ohio repealing the 2004 law banning gay marriage. Garson Johnson applauds Justice Pfeifer's courage to publicly express his opinion. For the full article, visit the Columbus Dispatch Online. Supreme Court Justice Pfeifer, who has […]
READ MORENo Health Insurance? Get Help Now.
No Health Insurance? Get Help Now. By Attorney Jeffrey Johnson I recently attended an Ohio Association for Justice (OAJ) seminar in Cleveland. As the current chair of the workers comp section, I was responsible to put together this seminar. I have encountered many clients who still go without health insurance. When I learned about an organization that helps […]
READ MOREVeterans Day. Honor a Vet Today!
Veterans Day. Honor a Vet Today! The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive veterans of early wars were treated and appreciated by our nation. ~George Washington The entire staff at Garson Johson would like to thank […]